Sunday, March 29, 2009

Art is for feelin'

We all know that Philly is not the only place Feelin' The Cuts. The current economic crisis is far-reaching, and cities all across the U.S. (and the world for that matter) are struggling to save important services for their residents while searching for creative ways to increase revenue (if taxes can be called creative...)

New York, for example, is facing a $1.2 billion deficit just on their transit system - the MTA. That's Philadelphia's 5 year budget deficit for the entire city that needs to be cut just out of New York's subways and buses. Now MTA is a lot more efficient than, say, SEPTA, so probably some service reductions will still ensure that the city continues to function. But during a recession, when many depend on public transit for an inexpensive and dependable means of getting around, some people are still going to be affected.

This article in the NY Times shows how two artists, Miranda Purves and Jason Logan, interpret the effect of the transit cuts on the MTA passengers Purves and her son have recently gotten to know. Instead of analyzing numbers, their simple drawing shows little details about the regular people who are being affected by the crisis in human ways, not huge economic ones.

I'm posting this here for two purposes: FIRST, to remind us that we are not alone, though our fight is still ours to fight! And SECOND, for inspiration - let's make art to show how and who in Philly is Feelin' it, to remind us that this is about people, not dollars.

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